April 18, 2005

Letter To God From Kids

Dear God,
I didn't think orange went with purple until I saw the sunset you made on Tuesday. That was cool!

Dear God,
Did you mean for the giraffe to look like that or wasit an accident?

Dear God,
Instead of letting people die and having to make newones, why don't you just keep the ones you have now?

Dear God,
Who draws the lines around the countries?

Dear God,
I went to this wedding and they kissed right inchurch. Is that okay?

Dear God,
Thank you for my baby brother, but what I prayed forwas a puppy.

Dear God,
It rained for our whole vacation and is my fathermad! He said some things about you that people arenot supposed to say, but I hope you will not hurt himanyway.
Your friend (but I am not going to tell you who I am)

Dear God,
Please send me a pony. I never asked for anythingbefore. You can look it up.

Dear God,
If we come back as something, please don't let me beJennifer Horton, because I hate her.

Dear God,
I want to be just like my daddy when I get big, butnot with so much hair all over.

Dear God,
I think about you sometimes, even when I'm notpraying.

Dear God,
I bet it is very hard for you to love all the peoplein the world. There are only four people in ourfamily and I can never do it.

Dear God,
Of all the people who worked for you, I like Noah andDavid the best.

Dear God,
My brothers told me about being born, but it doesn'tsound right. They are just kidding, aren't they?

Dear God,
If you watch me in church Sunday, I'll show you my new shoes.

Dear God,
We read Thomas Edison made light. But in Sundayschool, we learned that you did it. So I bet he stole your idea.
Sincerely, Donna

Dear God,
I do not think anybody could be a better God. Well, Ijust want you to know that I am not just saying thisbecause you are God already.

Dear God,
Maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so muchif they had their own rooms. It works with my brother.

April 13, 2005

ga taww mao ngapain

lageee break less.. ntah apa yang maoo kulakukannn... bete bgt... boringg... tak tahuuuuu mau ngapain.... mao makannn.... tapi tadi sebelom kesini dah nyemil somayy... mo ngobrolll.. uhmmm.. yaaaaaa... getoooo deeeee.. jadi intinyaa.... saya harus berbuat apa donkk.. huh... pengennya seh tadi gak ngelessss... apalagee ngebayangin cepet2 pulang teruss bobo... uhhhh... uenaknya!!! hehehhehehehhehe.... tapi begitu ingat bayaran lesskuwww... tiba2 jadi ilfil buwat bobo... hehehehhehe... masa mao membuang2 uang yang di cari ayah ibukuww dengan susah payah???

upssssss!!! udah ahhh... si bapak dah dateng lagee nehhh... hheheheh


April 04, 2005

Take care, Father..

hikkksssss... Paus Yohanes Paulus II *paus yang kalo gw baca di koran katanya paus terbaik selama 100 taon terakhir ini..* akhirnya kembali lagi ke sisi BAPA.. setelah hari2 ini keliatannya Paus menderita banget.. akhirnya Paus 'pulang' juga.. walopun naz dan pastinya seluruh dunia sedih.. cuma Naz yakin banget kalo paus sekarang dah ada di samping BABE..

Perginya Pope John Paul II ini mengundang banyak banget simpati dari orang2.. termasuk orang2 non-katolik.. *di BBC plus CNN.. semuanya gak pernah berenti nyiarin ucapan turut berduka cita dari berbagai negara secara live* it means.. semangat Paus untuk perdamaian dunia dah nyentuh hati banyak orang.. dan pastinya.. sekarang.. Paus lagi tersenyum bahagia diatas sana.. ^^

Selamat jalan,Paus..
semangat perdamaianmu akan selalu kami teruskan..
World peace,man!! ^^